Home Crypto vs stocks – what should investors choose?

Crypto vs stocks – what should investors choose?

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Over the past few years, cryptocurrencies have been picking up steam in all parts of the world, becoming a very popular investment option, on par with traditional financial instruments like stocks, bonds, or precious metals. It may seem strange that a class of assets that emerged a little over a decade ago is making waves in the financial industry and is already competing with more established assets that have a long history behind them. By comparison, fiat money has been around for millennia, while gold and other precious metals have been an integral part of the international monetary system for centuries. 

But looking at all the advantages that digital currencies provide – decentralization, autonomy, security, speed, privacy, accessibility – it becomes clear why so many people have decided to jump on the bandwagon. Bitcoin has been the first coin to introduce the concept of digital currencies to the public, and although the Binance has fluctuated a lot since its inception, it remains the biggest and most popular crypto on the market. Drawing inspiration from the leader, more crypto projects emerged in the years following Bitcoin’s birth, and the rest is history. 

Cryptocurrencies have introduced a new paradigm for money and offered an alternative to the flawed financial system by allowing people to sidestep intermediaries like banks and governments and take control of their finances. So, despite the newness of the industry and the challenges posed by their volatile nature, for many traders and investors out there, cryptocurrencies have come to represent an offer they simply can’t refuse. 

Since cryptos experienced such staggering growth and began to take up more and more real estate in investors’ portfolios, people have started drawing comparisons between this innovative asset class and conventional investment vehicles like stocks, wondering which one would serve their purposes best. Therefore, it’s worth investigating this matter further and analyzing both the pros and the cons of each type of investment. 


As you may already know, cryptocurrencies represent a digital form of money that resides in the virtual environment, running on a distributed public ledger called blockchain. They serve as a medium of exchange and a store of value and don’t rely on a central entity like banks or governments to facilitate and manage transactions. They are also highly volatile and experience constant price swings as they are influenced by a wide range of factors such as supply and demand, geopolitical events, competition, government regulations, market sentiment, and so on. 

From an investment point of view, cryptocurrencies provide several advantages. Crypto’s biggest appeal stems from its decentralized nature. Given that cryptocurrencies are not under the control of a central entity whose decisions can lead to high inflation rates, they can serve as a hedge against fiat currencies.  

Crypto’s volatility, which is often regarded as a drawback, is, in fact, one of its main selling points. Cryptocurrency prices can experience sudden spikes, so there’s a huge potential for high gains. The market thrives on speculation, making cryptos ideal for short-term trades. But since most cryptos are expected to appreciate over time, they’re also a viable option for long-term investments.  

The fact that more crypto projects continue to emerge on the market and the increased interest in digital currencies from both individual investors and institutions have also put cryptocurrencies on the map as a promising investment venue.  

Unfortunately, there are also certain disadvantages to crypto investments that one needs to be aware of. The inherent volatility of the market might lead to consistent gains, but it can also cause huge losses. Cryptocurrencies are also praised for being extremely secure, but they’re not immune to cyberattacks. 

Apart from that, digital currencies have received critics for not having any intrinsic value. Their worth is based entirely on people’s perception, which is an incredibly fickle foundation to build an asset on. Regulations might be able to provide some certainty and stability and also reduce the dramatic price swings, but that clashes with decentralization, so it’s difficult to imagine how the future will look for the crypto industry. 


Stocks are an entirely different animal from cryptocurrencies. Also known as equity, they represent the shares, or the fractional ownership someone holds in a company. Share owners are entitled to a part of the company’s assets and profits, directly proportional to the amount of shares they hold. So, as you can imagine, stocks have been used for centuries, and many people are quite familiar with the ins and outs of stock investments. 

However, for those who lack knowledge in the area, here are the main advantages of investing in stocks. Since stocks have been around for many years, their long history and track record of success as an investment vehicle serve as one of their strongest suits. Although stocks also experience volatility, they’re much more stable than cryptos and tend to preserve their value in time. 

Unlike digital currencies, stocks have intrinsic value since their price is determined by the profitability of the underlying company. As the company continues to grow and increases its profits, they build value which is directly reflected in the price of its stocks. 

Investing in stocks is easier than ever nowadays, with many online brokers and trading platforms providing a wide range of options for investors and facilitating the entire process. On top of that, stocks are also strongly regulated, which gives investors peace of mind knowing their assets are safe. 

The most common criticism stocks receive has to do with their volatility, especially when it comes to individual stocks. This is why stocks are more profitable as a long-term investment. As a direct consequence, it’s highly unlikely to yield high returns by investing in stocks, so those who are looking for quick gains might have better chances by investing in crypto. 

As you can see, there’s no such thing as a perfect investment. Both cryptocurrencies and stocks come with advantages and disadvantages, so it’s up to you to weigh these factors, determine your risk tolerance and choose the investment option that works best for you.  

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Ruby is a Finance Editor with years of experience at creating and editing content in the Finance and Cryptocurrency niche. Ruby also invests in the crypto market and enjoys exploring emerging technologies.