Home How to Buy Lucky Block UK – Beginner’s Guide
Connor Brooke
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Over the last decade, the emergence of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has enabled significant transformation in numerous industries. The lottery industry is yet another in a long line of sectors that has been improved by the rise of this technology – with the upcoming platform Lucky Block set to make waves in this regard.

With that in mind, this guide will discuss how to buy Lucky Block coin in detail, highlighting what the coin is, how it works, and the price potential it has in the future.

Key points on Lucky Block

  • Lucky Block is a crypto-lottery platform hosted on the Binance Smart Chain.
  • Due to the public nature of the blockchain, Lucky Block is able to make lottery draws fairer and more transparent – reducing the potential for fraud.
  • As prize draws will take place on the blockchain, pay-outs can be larger and quicker than traditional lottery draws.
  • Following a successful pre-sale, investors can buy Lucky Block coin right now via PancakeSwap with BNB and BEP20 tokens.

Join the Lucky Block official Telegram group for relevant answers to any questions you may have. It’s also a great place to network with over 38,000 like-minded crypto enthusiasts.

How to Buy Lucky Block – Quick Steps

If you’re looking for a quick rundown of how to buy Lucky Block, then look no further. By following the three short steps below, you’ll be able to invest in Lucky Block through the decentralized exchange PancakeSwap – all in a matter of minutes.

  • Step 1 – Head to over to PancakeSwap: Connect your Binance Smart Chain-friendly crypto wallet by tapping on ‘Unlock Wallet’.
  • Step 2 – Add Lucky Block Contract Address – When trading crypto tokens via PancakeSwap you will need to specify which token you want to buy in exchange for BNB. The Lucky Block Contract Address is 0x2cD96e8C3FF6b5E01169F6E3b61D28204E7810Bb.
  • Step 2 – Enter investment – Specify the amount of BNB that you want to exchange for LBlock. The corresponding amount of Lucky Block tokens will be displayed based on real-time market prices.
  • Step 3 – Confirm – Check your choices and tap on the button marked ‘Swap’. Then tap on ‘View on BscScan’ to review the full details of the transaction.
  • Step 4 – Add Lucky Block to your Crypto Wallet – Sometimes, you may be required to manually add LBlock to your crypto wallet. This is done easily by importing the tokens with the aforementioned contract address.

Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk.

How to Buy Lucky Block (LBLOCK) Crypto Tutorial

When you buy cryptocurrency, the investment process is slightly different from investing in traditional asset classes. As the pre-sale sold out prematurely, you can buy Lucky Block on PancakeSwap today!

Step 1 – Buy Binance Coin (BNB) & Connect your Binance Smart Chain-Compliant Wallet 

Lucky Block tokens are denominated in Binance Coin (BNB), so you’ll first have to purchase some of these coins to make your investment. At present, BNB is the fourth-largest cryptocurrency as measured by market cap, meaning it is available through many of the best crypto exchanges. Once you’ve purchased BNB, transfer your holdings to your crypto wallet and proceed to the next step. Next, connect your BNB wallet (Metamask and Trust Wallet) to the DEX – PancakeSwap.

Buy Lucky Block on PancakeSwap

Step 2 – Specify the Lucky Block Contract Address

Copy and paste the Lucky Block contract address (0x2cD96e8C3FF6b5E01169F6E3b61D28204E7810Bb) to exchange BNB for Lucky Block.

Step 3 – Choose the BEP20 Token You Want to Trade

Select the crypto token that you want to exchange for Lucky Block via the ‘From’ dropdown menu. By default, this will be set to BNB. Keep in mind, whatever token you pick, you’ll need to ensure that you already hold enough to trade with. Then choose Lucky Block token via the ‘To’ section. The ‘To’ and ‘From’ token amounts will be calculated automatically based on current market conditions.

buy LBlock

Step 4 – Confirm the Details

Review your choices and tap on the button marked ‘Swap’. This will open another window with further details about the transaction. When you’re happy with everything click on ‘Confirm Swap’.

buy LBlock now

Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk.

If you’ve followed the steps correctly, your Lucky Block tokens will be sent to your crypto wallet instantly.

What is Lucky Block Crypto?

Before you dive in and start cryptocurrency trading UK, it’s vital to gain a deep understanding of the asset you’re looking to trade. This is no different with Lucky Block, as the platform has numerous features and use cases that make it stand out from the crowd. With that in mind, let’s discuss what Lucky Block crypto is and how it works.

Lucky Block is an innovative new cryptocurrency platform that looks to shake up and improve how traditional lottery processes are run. As you can imagine, lotteries and their prize draws tend to be restricted by geographical boundaries. Since the Lucky Block platform is built and hosted on the Binance Smart Chain, these boundaries are eradicated, providing scope to host a ‘global lottery’.

luckyblock tokens

Ultimately, this comes with its own set of benefits, such as larger payouts, more frequent prize draws, and greater odds of winning. Furthermore, since Lucky Block leverages blockchain technology, all transactions are transparent and available to view on the public ledger – reducing the chance for fraud. In addition, as Lucky Block does not require many of the operating costs that traditional lotteries do, these cost savings can be plunged back into prize pools, making the system much more attractive to entrants.

In terms of Lucky Block’s jackpot distribution method, this is clearly stated in the whitepaper and adds to the platform’s transparency. Distributions are made in the following manner:

  • 70% of the prize pool goes to the winner
  • 10% of the prize pool is distributed amongst Lucky Block token holders
  • 10% of the prize pool is given back to the Lucky Block developers to help improve the platform and boost marketing efforts
  • 10% of the prize pool is donated to charity

If you buy Lucky Block coin, you’ll be holding the native token of the Lucky Block platform. According to the Lucky Block whitepaper, this token has various use cases, such as paying for transaction fees and as a speculative asset. The latter use case is essential, as investors can gain direct exposure to Lucky Block’s growth and success.


Lucky Block is now in Phase 3 of the platform’s road map. The upcoming Phase 4 will see exciting changes being made, such as the hosting of various fundraising events, the development of crypto education platforms, metaverse incorporation – and even the creation of Lucky Block NFTs!

Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk.

Why Buy Lucky Block Coin?

If you’re wondering how to invest £500 (or any amount) in Lucky Block, then it’s wise to understand the reasons for doing so before proceeding with your investment. Found below are five compelling reasons to buy Lucky Block coin now, which will appeal to beginners and experienced investors alike.

Did you know that Lucky Block (LBLOCK) is considered one of the best crypto under £1 in 2022?

Improves on Traditional Lottery Systems

As mentioned in the preceding section, Lucky Block’s creators have noted the pain points associated with traditional lottery systems and developed a way to reduce (or remove) them through the use of blockchain technology. Ultimately, this technology improves fairness and transparency, which can be an issue in certain local lotteries around the world. Furthermore, as it’s all hosted on the blockchain network, users from numerous countries can enter and create a sort of ‘global lottery’.

Stellar Development Team

If you buy Bitcoin (or any other digital currency), you’ll understand the importance of a platform’s development team in the crypto space. Fortunately, the team behind Lucky Block crypto have extensive industry experience between them. The team is clearly presented on the website and in the whitepaper, ensuring that all investors know who has developed the platform. Scott Ryder, Lucky Block’s CEO, has specific knowledge of the crypto space and currently serves as CEO of StakeMoon Coin, another exciting cryptocurrency that has made waves over the past year.

Deflationary Asset

When you buy Lucky Block coin, you’ll receive a deflationary asset with great price potential. This is because Lucky Block’s tokens have a built-in ‘burn rate’, which means that the token supply gradually reduces over time. Ultimately this means that tokens become more scarce over the long run – and as the law of supply and demand highlights, this tends to increase the price of an asset. 

Great Future Roadmap

As exciting as the Lucky Block platform sounds right now, the future looks even more exciting. A quick glance at the Lucky Block roadmap highlights the development team’s plans for the platform, including integration with the metaverse, Lucky Block merchandise, the development of crypto education platforms, online gaming incorporation, and more. So, although Lucky Block is exciting in its current iteration, there are many things to look forward to as the platform grows in the months and years ahead.

lucky block roadmap

Lucky Block Price

Much like when investing in the best shares to buy, an asset’s current price can be a key differentiator between it and alternative investments.

Lucky Block Coin Price Prediction

Now let’s turn our attention to our Lucky Block price prediction. As noted above, the Lucky Block price has not yet been defined by market forces, so it isn’t easy to make any price forecasts based on technical analysis. However, much like what happens when equity trading UK, market participants will quickly deduce an asset’s ‘true’ value through buying and selling – which will occur once Lucky Block launches on PancakeSwap in the near future.

However, if you decide to buy Lucky Block coin, there are numerous reasons to be hopeful that price could appreciate post-launch. Firstly, if you look at other cryptos that have launched on exchanges, price tends to shoot up as investors are eager to get involved. Due to the psychology of the market, once other investors see the price rising, they’ll scramble to invest, too – pushing the price even higher.

Aside from this, Lucky Block’s token burn will also help increase the price. A total of 1% of Lucky Block tokens used to pay transaction fees will be burned, meaning these tokens will be destroyed and removed forever. As you can imagine, this slowly decreases the total supply – and as Lucky Block tokens are capped at 100,000,000,000, this means that no more can be mined. Ultimately, these ‘tokenomics’ provide the basis for price to increase over time, which could lead to Lucky Block tokens rising exponentially over the first year of trading. 

Lucky Block App

People wondering where to buy Lucky Block may also be curious to know about the Lucky Block app. At present, there are only a few details regarding the app, although the website clearly shows the user interface and hints at the app’s features. Users will likely be able to purchase tickets for upcoming prize draws through the app, monitor their balance, check winning ticket numbers, and even buy Lucky Block coin.

lucky block app

Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk.

Notably, the Lucky Block platform has been thoroughly audited and approved for launch by Solidproof.io. This company specialises in auditing smart contracts and rigorously tests blockchain platforms to ensure their safety and validity.

If you are someone who places a great deal of emphasis on a platform’s safety level, you can review the Security Assessment that Solidproof.io have formulated for Lucky Block. This document covers all aspects of the platform and the token, ensuring would-be investors have a clear idea of how the backend works and its level of security.

How to Buy Lucky Block – Conclusion

To summarise, this guide has explored how to buy Lucky Block coin in detail, covering everything you need to know about the platform and its price potential. As you’ll now be aware, LuckyBlock has the potential to shake up the lottery industry – meaning that investing in Lucky Block tokens could be a great way to gain exposure to the platform’s growth and success. You can also join the LuckyBlock Telegram group for all the latest news and updates.

If you’d like to buy Lucky Block coin today, you can do so in minutes through PancakeSwap. What’s more, by investing today, you can buy tokens at a much cheaper price point than when it launches on other DEXs – putting you in line to make significant returns if the platform grows rapidly in the foreseeable future.

lucky block logo

Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk.

Frequently Asked Questions on Lucky Block Crypto

What is Lucky Block crypto?

How do I get Lucky Block coin?

Is Lucky Block a good investment?

Where can I buy Lucky Block?

Connor Brooke

Connor Brooke

Connor is a Scottish financial expert, specialising in wealth management and equity investing. Based in Glasgow, Connor writes full-time for a wide selection of financial websites, whilst also providing startup consulting to small businesses. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Finance, and a Master’s degree in Investment Fund Management, Connor has extensive knowledge in the investing space, and has also written two theses on mutual funds and the UK market.